In the road of life with glory and heartbreak hope is what keeps us going. It is our lifeline or roadmap when circumstances get hard.

Over the past couple months, during our office move it seemed at times that nothing was working out the way it should and deadlines for certain tasks kept getting extended. Hope that we were almost done (which we really are) and that this new location would better serve you kept me going. In life, the best way I have found to reach the top of metaphorical mountains is to keep moving one foot in front of the other, even if slowly, until the peak is reached.  Hope can be the force that moves the feet and keeps the chin up.

A common thread in the lives of CPM staff is that we have been through trying times ourselves and can empathize with a tenant’s or owner’s difficult situation. Knowing the stories of your lives often help those in our office know how to respond to your situations in more effective ways. Even if you are going or will go through something trying we hope the best for you.

At CPM our hope for this year is to continue to serve you well and think innovatively about ways we can invest in this community and grow.

Thank you all so much for your patience if you have experienced any delays in service (or surprising emails ;)) during this time.  We have pretty much everything in its new place except a few decorations. There is the feeling of relief here now. Thankful for the hope that kept us going.